Friday, August 27, 2010

Waiting... Eagerly

Today a friend was visiting campus.  I'm sure you've been in a similar position where you are excited to see a close friend with whom you haven't spent a lot of time.  You don't just wait, the time can't pass fast enough for you.  You glance at the clock every so often... doing the math in your head to find out the amount of hours and minutes you have to wait until their arrival.  So, as I was going about my business for the day, I was waiting for my friend.  I was anticipating the short amount of time we would be able to talk and that's when it hit me.  Are we not always waiting?  I mean to say that as Christians, we are always (hopefully) in anticipation of the return of Christ.  But, do we always get excited about His return.  Are we anxiously counting away the days; living everyday like it's our last?  I tried to examine my life and realized that I don't think about the return of my Saviour, at least not with the excitement I have when I await the visit of a close friend.  But, as Christians that day should definitely be on our "Top 10 Things to Wait For" list.  When Paul wrote to the Galations, he said:

But, by faith we eagerly await through the spirit the righteousness for which we hope.  
-Galations 5:5

Paul emphasizes the idea of eagerness further in Romans 8:23

Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
 In his book "The Epistle to the Romans," Douglas J. Moo proposes "the word 'eager expectation' suggests the picture of a person craning his or her neck to see what is coming."  I like that picture and I'm going to make the effort to constantly reflect the excitement I have for my saviour, to wait eagerly.

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