Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Ah, food poisoning... Very few things draw your attention to your human weakness like sitting in your bathroom waiting for the inevitable.  Since I had some time to do just that this morning, I reflected a bit on who God is... and how I have treated Him.  I must say, my behaviour most closely resembles that of the Israelites out of Egypt.  Having been blessed and blessed, they immediately turn on God.  Moses says to his people:
6 Is this the way you repay the LORD,   you foolish and unwise people?  Is he not your Father, your Creator,[awho made you and formed you?  - Deuteronomy 32:6
 This semester has been fantastic for me...  I made it through the whole time without once being sick.  I did better than ever in all my classes (though French was a bit dicey).  How much time have I given my Father and Creator?  Essentially none.  He made me and everything else... He died for Me... He loves me, and I talk to Him for a half an hour a day?  Really?  How much does He deserve?  All of me.  Yet I get done with a great year, and say three minutes of prayers before going to sleep... how stupid.  How hateful of me.  All God wants is to spend time with me, yet I push Him aside.  Would I do that to my earthy father?  Maybe, but I still spend as much time with him as I can... yet when it comes to God, my Heavenly Father and my Creator... I don't give Him even that much.  EVERYONE, He just wants to be with you!  Why else would he have his back lashed until the skin hung in strips, or hang naked from a wooden post until He suffocated?  Please don't be like me or the Israelites... Please, please, please!  Spend time with your God.


1 comment:

  1. I liked this one, Matt. For me, though, I think I did not do as well these past 2 or 3 semesters because I kept forgetting Him. When something good happens that I had been praying for, it is always interesting, and often, disappointing, how long it takes for me to pray again to thank Him.
