Thursday, February 3, 2011

Faith Part 1

After recently examining my life to see what example of faith I have set, I was ashamed.

Faith is a part of the Christian life which ought to be taken seriously by all of us.  There are three aspects to faith: Faith as a work of Grace and Salvation in our life, Faith in the works and miracles of God, and Faith that produces Hope in the future of things.

Christ lead His disciples to have stronger faith.  Likewise, I discover that I often need greater faith.  I often fail to see His strength and power over all things, I believe this is a result of a lack of faith on my part.  The disciples suffered from this as well when they let fear rule their hearts in place of faith.  For example when they are on the ship and the storm becomes great they despair, yet Christ controls the storm, saying just a word to calm it (Mark 4:40).  We often forget God is the God of the miraculous, and while we often pray for miracles, do we have faith in God to perform such miracles.  Faith like the woman in Mark 5:33.  She had faith that she only needed to touch the hem of Christ's robe for a miracles.  He is that powerful and I know I forget this, I forget I'm talking to the One who commanded the laws of nature and physics order themselves at the beginning of time.  And that is part of our problem, we talk to God.  We are told to have faith, to be still and know He is God (Psalm 46:10).

We are told Christ left His hometown because of their lack of faith.  Let us not be like those in Christ's hometown, for how awful it would be for Christ to leave us due to our lack of faith.  Instead, if we even have the faith of a mustard seed nothing will be impossible (Matthew 21:21).  The Holy Spirit will provide you with an understanding of the miraculous and Faith, but we must trust Him.

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. And, here's the good news, Matt: HE is the author and perfecter of our faith! The faith to believe is His issue of love to us, so that we may know Him better. Our job: fix our eyes on Him...which is pretty easy to do when we realize how needy we are...when we recognize we're children following a Father...when we know we are sheep in His flock. Those remembered in Hebrews 11 as faithful followers just took one step at a time.

    to be continued...
